Your dyed maroon hair drapes across my knee as you bend at the hip to throw a crumpled snack wrapper into my bookbag. you sway and miss and as you lean further to grasp at it your hair glides off my thigh to crash to the floor, like some sarcastic mix of liquid ice and fire.
I have been handed the responsibility for your loss because i'm the one who will take it. You've drifted off now, staring at the projection of whales on the wall.
I'm stuck wondering if you too will drown.your sleeping reality side down, how you can do this i'll never understand. or mabye i'm the one sleeping as a whale and you are trapped like a shark on vicoden. Circling in a dream, yet dreaming the same thing because you fear the idea of roaming and taking control.
yet your the determined one. you do what you need to but never for longer than you physically,mentally,idealisticly can. so you are now the whale.
Are we both floating feet upwards like the two we used to be. doing hand stands in the lake.
if i held my breath and stilled my aching fins, would you awake and join me?
Or will you be a shark and slip away to spin in your weary circles?
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