Life isn't all sunshine and happyness and around the age of ten you start to relieze the worlds flaws and your own flaws. society forces us to grow up and stop pretending we are wizards or we're invinsible. Ralph is growing up on the island and is starting to see the flaws in the society they had created for themselves. he doesn't want to joke about the bathroom anymore. he wants to be serious. he's growing up and he's confused with what he's feeling. he says he has ," lost himself in a maze of thoughts that were rendered vague by his lack of words to express them (p.76).
i depress my teacher i can see it on her face. she wishes i showed more joyful insight into the loss of innocence. she doesn't know that i wish i was still 4 and playing with toy trucks in a sand box. mabye i wish i was 95 and playing with my food on a tv dinner tray and shitting my pants without caring. old people have lost so much innocence that they are refusing to see the truth in that they are truely old and demolished on the inside.
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