Let us go to places words can't describe.
Let me hear you say everything you've everwanted to say, but never had a reason or place to spill your guts out loud.
Let me tell you all of the pointless stories of my childhood in full detail, so i can remember that i've existed for longer than i feel i have.
Let me stick just one finger in your front jean pocket, because it makes me feel small when i feel too big.
Let me hear your deepest secret,biggest burden,loneliest moment and all the moments you were distracted by a feeling of utter rapture.
Let me stare at you and smile without haveing to tell you my reasons, because you should know you are my reason.
Let me make you dinner so i get distracted and ruin it, so then we can just order pizza.
Let me hold you when everything is falling down around you. I'll try my best to make us the last thing standing.
Let me make forts out of bed sheets and lay with me, to nap, and dream, and kiss, and nap.
Let me remind you everyday that i am the man in the relationship.
Let me say the previous statement, but know it's not true.
Let me Laugh about how i've never felt like a cute little girl before.
Let me be reminded that i'm not invincible, that i never have been and never will be. Sometimes i forget and i wouldn't want to scare you.
Let me read to you poetry, essays, comics, articles, and my own writings.
Let me listen to your beathing if you fall asleep by my side.
Let me feel your heart beat, so i know when i kiss you it means something.
Let me fall asleep someday, to the sound of your guitar.
Let me thing about you all the time...and not feel like a creep.
Let me worry about you, because worrying makes me feel needed.
Let me be the person you trust the most, because i want you to be mine.
Let me slide my fingers along your neck, but don't let my mind wonder to think of the ache if this ends.
Let me tease you.
Let me be teased.
Let me be the mess i am and know that by just being here for me it cleans up half my mess.